Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year's Resolution 2013

My new year's resolution for 2013 is simultaneously simple and complicated.  It's not about stuff or time or working out or things I want to do for myself.  It's about my faith. Well, really it's about our faith, since Trent and I are in agreement on this one.

Our resolution is this: to listen, answer and trust.

Short and sweet.  But loaded.  We want to listen for God's call on our life, to answer that call and to trust Him to guide us through whatever lies ahead this year.

We have had glimpses of listening, answering and trusting already during 2012...when Trent decided to take a second job working with inner city youth, when we decided to pursue foster care and adoption...  We are learning that trusting sometimes involves frustration and waiting.  We are figuring out that just because God calls us to something doesn't automatically mean it will be easy or make sense. 

Our hope is to continue to learn and grow, listen and answer.  We believe God has a plan for us, held carefully in the palm of His hand, and we want to trust in Him as He slowly peels back his fingers one by one and reveals it to us.

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